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Management Training - Finding The Right Course

May 21 2013, 14:14pm

Posted by Corporate Coach Group

New Manager training: Where can I find a good manager training course?

You may be asking yourself: “Where can I find a good new manager training course?”

You have a person in your organisation who is a new manager. This new manager was made up to manager primarily because he-she, best knows the company products, the services, customers and suppliers.

But the manager is now struggling: he needs training.

He is having some difficulties with the following issues.

Delegation skills.

Delegation is the act of entrusting a task to another.

Some managers don’t like entrusting tasks to others, they try to do everything themselves.

Conflict management skills.

Conflict management is the art of dealing with difficult people and - or difficult issues, in an objective, non emotionalised manner.

Some managers are no good in conflict situations; they either come-on too strong, and mess it up.

Or they avoid the issue for too long, and thus, mess it up.

Time management skills.

Time management is the art of organising your resources, as to allow you to make maximum progress in the minimum time and effort.

To be more productive and less busy.

Many managers don’t plan ahead and are therefore not making maximum progress in minimum time and effort.

They are making only poor progress with maximum effort.

How sad.

Leadership skills.

Leadership skills are the art of inducing the best performance from other people.

And the new manager needs training in confident and effective communication skills.

“Communication skills” is the art of expressing your thoughts and feelings, information and ideas, to others, in such a way as to gain maximum agreement and understanding.

Some managers don’t communicate very well. They don’t get much agreement and they keep creating misunderstandings.

You may be wondering, “Where can I find such a training course that will cover all these things in just two days training?”

If you are interested in the answer to this question, please read on……….

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